/SET <variable> <value> - /SET by itself for a list of variables.
/ROLL xdy+z <priv>, /.xdy+z - Rolls x of y sided dice, and adds (or subtracts) z <priv> sends results to player & DM only
/READY,/RE 3 17 2d4+1 big stick, sets player's speed factor to 3, THACO to 17, damage to 2d4+1, and desc. of "big stick"
/ATTACK,/A target [mod]-> attacks target (or LastTarget if target omitted)
and adds in a to hit [mod] if it is there.
/TARGET, /T target - sets player's LastTarget to target
/WHO - lists all players and monsters
/DAMAGE,/DAM X - stores X damage to player's HP's
/NEXT - (DM or current player) moves to next initiative number
/WAIT, /WA (DM or current player) - delays action till end of initiative round
/VERSION - prints out NetRPG version information
/MAP - prints out ascii info the DM has entered onto the server
/MOVETO, MVTO 40,2 - moves character's map icon to space 40,2
/MOVE, /MV 99666 - moves icon NE 2 spaces, then E 3 spaces (directions are the keypad numbers)
/CLEAR - sends 20 blank lines to your info window
Talking and DOing
All players spend most of their time talking and doing things. To talk, just type in words. To do, type "/do eats a donut" or abbreviated ":eats a donut"
Dice rolling
"/roll 2d6+3 healing to Geoffrey" would roll 2 six sided dice, add 3 to the result, and the phrase "healing to Geoffrey" would be shown to everyone. The individual rolls are shown, as well as the total with any modifiers + or -. The abbreviation for this action is "/.4d8-2" (no space between the "/" and ".") . To roll private dice which are shown only to the DM, add "priv" after the command, like "/roll 1d20 priv"
Readying of Weapons
Players can type "/ready 3 17 1d12+1 holding a sword" in order to ready a sword that has a speed factor of 3, a THAC0 of 17, and that does 1d12+1 damage. Any words following the damage are stored as a phrase which is displayed in the /who list. The speed factor, THAC0, and damage are used in the "/who" list, when attacking, and in initiative rolls.
Bookeeping of Hit Points
Players type "/set maxhp 56" to set their maximum (and current) HP's to 56, or whatever. Then, when a player takes damage, they type "/damage 12", which would drop their HP's to 44. Or, to heal, "/damage -12".
Bookeeping of Armor Classes
Players type "/set ac -2" to set their AC's to -2. This is used for automatic attack resolution.
Bookeeping of Monsters/NPCs
Players can type "/who" at any time to bring up a list of the current players and monsters in the area. This list shows the individual their character's exact HP's, but gives an estimate of the would level of other players and monsters. Note: "/who" will show names longer than 10 characters, but the output gets less pretty.
Automatic Attack Resolution
If a player types "/a orc1" or "/attack orc1", NetRPG will look to see if there is a monster or player with the name "orc1". If there isn't, a generic attack roll is made (using the player's current thaco) and the DM can handle things manually. If orc1 exists, however, then NetRPG will automatically figure out if the attack hit, and if so, how much damage is done. Damage is automatically recorded. Once a player has attacked, the player's LastTarget variable is set to be whoever they attacked and is visible in /who. Then, if the player wants to auto-attack the LastTarget again, simply omit the target. ie: "/a orc" followed by "/a" would attack the monster named orc twice. Also, the player may set their target variable with "/target orc2".
Attack modifiers - "/a orc1 -2" will attack orc1 with a modifer of -2. (both positive and negative modifiers will work)
Online maps
Players may access the current map (set by the DM) by typing "/map"
Once the DM has added an icon that has the same name as a player's name, then that player can use the following commands to move themselves:
"/moveto 12,2" for a player to move their own icon to 12 across (x) and 2 down (y) NOTE: Y counts down!
"/move 669" - This is kinda tricky. In order to make movement on the map easy, movements are done using the keypad as a compass. For example, 8 equals up, 6 equals right, 4 equals left, 9 equals upper right, etc. For those not owning extended keyboards, the QWE AD ZXC block also works as a compass. So, multiple movements are allowed. Example: to move right 3 times, then up twice, use "/move 66688"
"/clear" sends 20 blank lines to the player's info window. Could be useful for some people...